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Are You An Angel In A Human Body?

Most of us know during childhood that we're not able to relate to our skin suit. We feel restricted, trapped and cramped. We're not able to relate to the lifestyles of the people around us. Even as children we have a certain knowing that their belifes are lies and their lifestyle is unhealthy. But we were children and no one stopped to listen. They would've thought us crazy anyways.

It's ok to pray to the Angels in heaven and worship the angels on alters but it would be a whole different story to tell these humans that we've had lives as those very same Angels. Or worse yet that we predate their organized religions. But we couldn't deny it to ourselves, we were different...we knew things others didn't know among other things. We went throughout life seeing another of our kind on occasion and experiencing a momentary brotherhood... A moment of longing and comfort. We never spoke we just nodded and went on with our business.

Life can be very daunting for Angels born in human bodies... We know more about the world around us and have this passionate innate desire to change the world but our ideas are way ahead of their time. Even without sharing our belifes about being angels we're still considered "weirdos". Especially since we're mostly introverts...I would say a large portion of Angels born in human bodies are INFJs or rather a large portion of INFJs are Angels born in human bodies. I myself scored as an INFJ, the rarest personality type in the world.

So what are the signs of being an Angel born in a human body?

  • The first and most important sign is a strong almost uncontrollable desire to help anyone in need that crosses your path. If some one is injured, sick, hungry or even carrying too many groceries it's in your nature to help them, it's something you can't control... Don't worry it's normal it's what we were created to do.
  • You like following orders, within reason and absolutely detest breaking the law. If a background check were to be performed on you it would come back extremely clean. You don't hang around with anyone who has an unscrupulous lifestyle. You've never done anything illegal. You are often called goody two shoes by people in your life. Angels were created to follow creator's will and take and follow orders, this follows our kind into our incarnations on Earth.
  • While you may like to follow orders, never break the law and live life by the book you are often described as having an edge, you're very intense, and fearless. You take risks, adrenaline is your drug of choice. You'd be the one jumping off planes, bungee jumping, riding roller coasters, drinking, smoking, listening to loud rock music, attending rock concerts and the one moshing. You a lot. You love speed and the feeling of flying. You most likely are attracted to horror, adventure, and thriller movies and of course movies related to angels. You likely are adorned with tattoos, specifically angel or winged tattoos. Or even have a set or more of fake angel wings.
  • Your life is littered with angelic objects such as statues, paintings, movies, clothing with wings and angels on them.
  • You have a knowing that seems to have been with you since you were a young child, a knowing that you shouldn't turn down a certain street, a knowing that someone isn't what they say they are. Some call it psychic ability...whatever you choose to call it you have always been one step ahead of danger when you've not ignored it.
  • Somehow you've always been able to speak to Creator and the Angels and receive clear and unmistakable synchronicities that have proven that they are listening and heard you.
  • I won't get into this one too much because there's already an article about it but have a very intense stare, others have remarked how intense your eyes are. It's as if all of creation is reflecting through your eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul and your soul is an ancient warrior...this reflects in your eyes.
  • You despise Angelic stereotypes like harps, little fat babies and fluffy images of Angels yet you do love to sing...I don't know what it is but I've spoken to quite a few Angels and it seems singing is common.
  • Animals, animals, animals!! You absolutely love all creatures big and small and will defend them fiercely. Animals are some of your best friends, you have a way with animals that seems almost magical. They listen to you, aggressive animals are peaceful around you, shy animals come right up to you, animals are drawn to you. You'd make an excellent animal trainer or animal healer. You likely have more than one pet. Interesting story: one time I went swimming at the beach and accidentally kicked a fish while swimming because unbeknownst to me the fish had all surrounded me, they formed a circle around me and were swimming with me...I felt so fucking bad. Then one time at an aquarium I had walked to a tank of turtles...they all swam from one side of the tank to the other where I was standing. Yet another time I was sitting out on the grass on the field of my highschool and a duck I'm assuming from someone's yard waddled it's way to me and sat on my lap. Also, when I was a child I visited an aquarium and it had dolphins out in the open at the time...I ran up to the pool type tank and a dolphin swam right up to me and reached out to me with it's flippers. I could go on...I have had so many experiences like these. Side Note: it seems we're really good with children as well.
  • People rely on you...strangers tell you all their problems out of the blue. When there's trouble you are the one your friends and family call because they know with out a second thought you'll be there. 
  • You often lucid dream or have very vivid dreams, usually of flying with or without wings but mostly with wings. When you dream of flying you usually have an army of angels with you. For the most part, you remember your dreams in great detail
  • You're not religious and actually feel a sense frustration when hearing the inaccuracies told by organized religious institutions. You feel most at home in Eastern and nature based spiritual paths. You consider yourself spiritual but not religious. You have a deep love and respect for Temple's, ancient texts and ancient civilizations and feel you've had lives among these civilizations.
  • You live a simple're aren't materialistic and usually prefer quiet nights at home to partying but on the rare occasion you do go out you can be quite the life of the party in your circle. You know how to help your friends have a good time but you won't really venture out and strike up a conversation with anyone outside of your tribe.
  • You're prone to aches and pains on the upper region of your back. The pain is usually greatest between and around the shoulder blade area. If you're an angel you're quite familiar with this ailment. You sense that it may be wings, you can feel them. Many times our wings will cause aches and pains for various reasons. Your wings will hurt:
  • If you've used them recently in astral battle. (More on this later) 
  • If you're in danger or distress... This is due to your astral wings trying to prepare for an attack but the physical body can not respond to the wings therefore it translates as pain to the physical body.  
  • Your ethereal wings manifest briefly outside of the 12th auric field that connects your divine or angelic self with your human physical self.
  • You feel sore and tired in the mornings as if you've been in battle the whole night, you wake up with inexplicable cuts, slashes, bruises and usually have had very vivid dreams of fighting something very negative. Our time here on Earth does not mean we stop serving in the divine realms. We still are on active duty just in another form.
These are just some the signs of being born an Angel in a human body.  However do not let this information define you. Seek your own truth.


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