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​E.T. Communication

Ready to contact your star family? Try looking at the information below if that does not help I would suggest meditation. Also just asking out loud for some knowledge and or verification works also.

Family Of Light - Communicate With Them Now
If you are one of the many who have come to me asking how to communicate with your guides, angels or space friends then you might be able to speak to them starting today by reading this very article and continue open communication forever!. Best of all I am providing this service free of charge no scamming and telling you that you have to pay 50 dollars to clear your chakras to speak with your celestial cousins that's just bogus. I have sat all day and contemplated just why I can hear them so clearly and why I am able to telepathically receive messages from our cosmic counterparts while fully conscious and I came up with a few amazing revelations and put them all in to a few easy steps for you to try out at your discretion and when YOU are ready.

First a few words from our sponsors:
First off I am going to say this once and only once! in order to make this work you MUST release fear or doubt, let go of the mundane chains that bind your soul to a 3rd dimensional reality and expand your awareness and see the lack of boundaries between your world/reality and the many worlds and realities beyond what you have been mentally conditioned to accept. You must stop telling yourself well I am afraid, or I cant if you want this to ever work for you, if you have any fear or preconceived notions then stop reading this now and go work on spiritual growth further before attempting any spiritual communications. Make sure you are not lying to yourself and that you are TRULY ready.

Also do NOT expect the family of light, your celestial cousins, the angels, your guides whomever you are contacting to answer you right away, tomorrow, in 5 minutes or even in 3 months it will happen when it happens. Let go of your concept of time, time is an illusion, it does not exist and never has and never will. The fact that we earthlings go by time is simply ridiculous. Time is a man made concept and you can not expect a world that does not operate with time to work like a world that does. Just imagine how silly you will sound saying: I want to hear a message, be given a sign, be contacted etc etc in 5 minutes to beings who have no concept of time? Yea don't do it lol.

Step 1: The Preparation
Well honestly the preparation is not much of a preparation just if this is your first time it is wise to set aside time to mentally prepare your spirit. Yep exactly what I said to mentally prepare your spirit. Take some time to visualize clearing your spirit of any junk or gook that may be present, relax, breath, go outside and gaze at the beautiful night sky or the lovely blue sky. Breath in nature. Simply put do whatever it takes to get yourself in to a spiritual state of mind and your spirit feeling connected to the spirit that moves through all things. The spirit that moves through you and the spirit that is ever present when you take the time to listen to the birds, feel the winds breeze caress your body and so forth. When you are ready and you feel that tingling sensation moving through your chakras that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and appreciative of life proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Making Contact
Yes now the fun part! This is where you finally get to make contact and open yourself up to a magnificent world of cosmic possibilities however this part is serious and deserving of all your attention and focus so before we begin the good stuff begin saying to yourself:

I am ready, I am ready, I am spiritually ready to make contact with cosmic intelligences, God(Source), angels, my guides or whomever you wish to ask for.

You can ask for all or just one it is really up to you what you are willing to accept, remember that you are the key player here and what you say goes. They are waiting for you to make contact not the other way around.

Repeat as many times as you think you need to that you are open for contact, fearless and with out any preconceived notions of what to expect. This is not about you telling them it is about you telling yourself, your higher self that your ready to bust the doors open and allow information to flow through you from the multiverse and beyond. If you like you can repeat the words below and add an added boost to your higher self.

I am fearless of all things I am one with all beings there are no boundaries and I am free to hear and speak as I please. Now you can begin to speak to the universal consciousness (this is if you are calling out to all beings) or you can begin speaking to whomever you are choosing to call to:

Angels, guides, God(source) etc.

It is up to you what your first message to your source will be however my own first message was this:

I greet you as my equal, Namaste my celestial brothers and sisters. I come to you in hopes that we may grow together and that you may be a part of my reality as I experience it.

That was my own sentence however you are free to say what you wish just make sure it is respectful and humble and that it is what you would say to any loved one because indeed they probably know you better then you think and they have a very deep love for you and the same should be returned.

Now you can say what you WOULD LIKE to experience however DO NOT expect anything as I said before it is VERY important NOT to have any preconceived notions of what will take place. Think of these beings whoever you have contacted as common friends. A best friend but someone who is your equal and may make mistakes or may be late for an appointment. Simply remember that perfection is an illusion and you will get far. Everything in this step you can say out loud, mentally or even during meditation, you can even sing it! say it however it feels best for you.

Step 3: Boundaries? Realizing the truth about your reality is key
So you have done the steps above what now? well now you have to realize that your reality is not what you may think it is some already understand this and those that do can skip this step but for those that don't well this may seem unreal to you but if you have gotten this far already maybe not. Do you think there are boundaries between dimensions? do you think there are different worlds? no there is not actually, in fact there are no boundaries and we technically live in one big infrastructure, one big giant world.

You see when you think of angels, guides or ETs you think of them as being beyond our space and dimension but the fact is that they are always around you and you are always around them, they are as close to you as your computer screen is to you right now and vice versa, say for example that your physical self is being powered by your higher self from a central dimensional space, a space that is the main existence for all beings and others are there powering their physical selves as well right next to you however they're spirits are powering their physical selves in another planet/dimension, their physical bodies are existing elsewhere beyond earth however their spirits are right there next to you doing the same thing.

You are an extension of one source projected into different vehicles of consciousness throughout different dimensions to be the physical manifestation of this source so that you may learn and experience that art of being, why it is and what it is being for. Though it is hard to believe that this perfect prime source is inquiring at all but it is possible that this source is not familiar with consciousness. It is possible we are all learning together though one thing that is fact is that source is pure love and that we are all an inter connected vehicle of radiant cosmic energy. Like a cable splitter that connects cable to various sources such as TV sets in different rooms. God energy (prime source) being the cable, consciousness being the splitter and each of us being various TV sets and the rooms being different dimensions we all come from one direct source and as stated earlier we are all but an extension of one conscious energy source.

Therefor the fear you have of other beings is the fear you have of yourself.

Step 4: You have done all the steps now PAY ATTENTION!

So you have done all of the above and now this part is even more fun! now it is up to you to pay attention but most important of all BE PATIENT! you must know by now that they have heard you and that they always hear you at all times (yes I know I know don't get freaked out lol they are NOT judgmental as I said PERFECTION IS AN ILLUSION even for them!). Now is the time to picture this whole thing as if you are waiting for mail from a friend you know it will get here eventually, hell mail may even be late but it is always delivered. Be patient, relax and be ready to jot down anything that happens, if it was a message that you said you would like to receive then be sure to listen. It is most always telepathic communication that will be received. If you have doubts about whether it is your higher self speaking through you well truth is that:

You know your higher self already. You know what you sound like, It will most likely be of the opposite sex or a voice different from yours (this is done on purpose by your source so that you will not be confused).They will most likely answer something, they usually don't introduce themselves lol because they have always been there.

Step 5: Contact has been made!
If you have made contact congratulations! there are a few things to note however and the first one is that you are in control of communications if there comes a time when you don't want to talk anymore or want them to be around just politely say:

I need to take a break for now from our communications I need to just be with myself for now or any variation of that just don't be mean about it. You wouldn't like it if they were mean to you. Treat them as you would like to be treated and enjoy your cosmic connections!


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