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Showing posts from May, 2018

A Note To Other Winged Creatures

I haven't blogged in a while but I feel the need to do so tonight. It's raining, the sky is dark and O Fortuna is modertly blasting from my phone's speakers...There's a chill in the air, and this atmosphere has had me thinking about our existence as angels born on Earth... I wonder why we true incarnated angels chose the path of loneliness? We for lack of a better term fell together yet once on Earth find that we cross paths with barely a gaze. But we can feel it, our senses become heightened when another of our kind is near, our heart rates go up and we begin to feel that all too familiar pull towards a reality many of us don't want to face. We feel a sense of attraction towards the other person, regardless of gender, but it's so much more than any feelings humans could imagine. It's an innocent and pure attraction yet full of so much raw passion and emotion that we can some times loose control of our emotions if not careful. We gaze bri