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Most of the information contained in this article is through personal experience and research. If you're a cosmic soul then most likely you are familiar with the term sliders, maybe you've seen it referenced or heard someone in the community say it and most likely you have experienced the slider syndrome. The slider effect is what many starseed report when walking at night usually but not always in a city and as they walk, street lamps will blow as they pass under them.

This effect however is not unique to turning of street lamps, you can also cause car alarms and alarms in general to sound. It is mainly due to the higher energy exuded from starborn (anyone who is aware that they're soul's origin is from beyond earth), our energy interacts with the electromagnetic field of the street lamps or alarm systems, this happens a lot more when you first awaken as the new energy has just been downloaded in to our physical vessel and not yet settled. The frequency given of due to the high energy of starseeds is very strong...

Street light interference, or SLI, is an alleged anomalous phenomenon where a person seems to turn off (or sometimes turn on) street lights, or outside building security lights when passing near them. Although street lights can turn off by chance, such as with high pressure sodium street lights cycling (turning on and off repeatedly) at the end of their life cycle, believers in street light interference tend to claim that it happens to them personally on a regular basis, more frequently than chance would explain. Some propose paranormal explanations for SLI, sometimes based on scientific terminology, such as the explanation that electrical impulses in their brain interfere with the workings of electric lights. Anecdotes about people's experiences of SLI have been reported by news sources.

Very often, SLIders also report that they tend to have an odd effect on other electronic devices. Other sliders claim such effects as:

  • Appliances such as lamps and TVs go on and off without being touched much like poltergeist phenomena. 
  • Light bulbs constantly blow when the SLIder tries to turn them off or on. 
  • Volume levels change on TVs, radios, and CD players. 
  • Watches stop working. 
  • Children's electronic toys start by themselves when the SLIder is present. 
  • Credit cards and other magnetically encoded cards are damaged or erased when in their possession. 

Although the SLI effect is not a conscious one, some SLIders report that when it does occur, they often are in an extreme emotional state. A state of anger or stress is often cited as the "cause." SLIder Debbie Wolf, a British barmaid, told CNN, "When it happens is when I'm stressed about something. Not really manically stressed, just when I'm really mulching something over, really chewing something over in my head, and then it happens."

The frequency you give off interacts with the above by overloading it's electromagnetic field, once over loaded it interrupts the normal process of function making street lamps turn off/on or alarms go off etc, If you have this problem and don't want others to see this strange side effect then consider learning about grounding. However if you don't mind then wait it out eventually it wont happen as much because your energy will settle and tone down as you adjust to your awakening.

As posted above SLI can occur also when we are in moments of intense emotion such as when we are angry or generally emotionally charged, this happens to me quite a bit usually when my computer freezes up, I will get angry and the lights in my house will flicker on and off so wildly that it looks like a scene from poltergeist!

So in a sense it never really goes away because it can occur during really intense moments of our lives especially if we do not know how to control our abilities which cause a number of other issues not even added to this list. It is so important to meditate and to balance our energies and to eventually focus on being able to control our abilities, we are not supposed to show the world what we can do, we are only here to show the world what THEY can do

If this happens to you DON'T freak out your are NOT a freak! just know that this process is part of your beautiful awakening to your cosmic nature, embrace the divine frequency within your being and know that you are not alienated in this most crucial time, we all decided to take the plunge with you and what a ride it has been!


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